Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wave of Jello

This overwhelming feeilngs that to completly stop and soak in the moments of nothingness will kill me. The thought to just stop and take what I have and be okay with it makes me feel like I will drown. But there is nothing to sink into. There is nothing that will happen, it's all in my head and I can't not get these hands of mine to do what I will. I can not get this world to transform by using my personal power. How long will thoughts of manipulations stay with me, how long will I covet what others have. Why can't I free myself, why can't I get to that place. Is the only way to truly take yourself away from it all and hide from it. Out of sight completly out of my mind. Is there anyone to talk to who could understand me? Is there anyone who has had the same feelings. I am lead to make music but held back by my self. If I could just get these feelings out some how then maybe I could find others like me.

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